We hold immense expertise in supplying our precious patrons a wide range of Electrical Cable Wire. This wire is manufactured by making use of superior grade materials that are procured from authorized vendors of the industry. To make this wire defect-free, our quality analysts stringently test this on flexibility and safety parameters. Offered wire is available in plethora of lengths and thickness as per the diversified demands of esteemed clients. This Electric Cable Wire can be widely used in offices, multi storied buildings, homes and also in hospitals for electrical wiring applications.
Further Details:
In addition to these requirements, the compounds also serve the needs for resistance to UV high level of flame retardancy along with low smoke & low halogen emission, flexibility at low temperature, anti-lermite & anlirodent being some of them. Our Wire Cables are also resistant to fire, high temperature (105oC) and can be purchased in desired specifications.